My Brother


Chronicle of Kirk's Illness
An Essay by Maggie (Kirk's niece)
Tribute to Kara McGee Kohl(Kirk's sister)
Tribute to Mary Kate Kohl (Kirk's niece)
Tribute to Chip Brewer (Kirk's good friend)

(written April 2007)

My brother Kirk is an amazing man. In October of 2006 he was running a half marathon and when he finished he felt something was terribly wrong. He knew he would not run again even though for a couple of years he’d been training so he could run a full marathon. Things seemed to get worse and he developed extremely itchy, yellow skin. We assumed it was a liver problem, maybe hepatitis. He went to the doctor and had a blood test. When that came back, the results were a bit inconclusive, except hepatitis was ruled out. They did say he had abnormal liver function.

So the next test was an ultra sound…which also inconclusive. Now I realize “inconclusive” means they see something but need a closer look. So the next step was a CT scan. This time the doctors said “probably pancreatic cancer”…but we should do a biopsy.

He came home to Dallas for Thanksgiving…we could all tell how bad he felt and see how jaundice he was. It was probably the saddest Thanksgiving our family experienced…and yet we were all so glad he was able to come home and be with us. He was exhausted, had lost a lot weight and slept a lot. He was eating and we hoped that was a good sign.

After Thanksgiving the doctor performed the biopsy and also put a stint in his bile duct. Seems the cancer was choking his bile duct, the reason for his skin condition. Meanwhile, with the help of a friend, he wrangled an appointment at MD Anderson, one of the most reputable cancer hospitals in the United States. They ran all the tests again, checked his stint and finally his bilirubin levels started to drop. Once the bile cleared out of his system he started feeling normal again. He started seeing a nutritionist who put him on supplements and a low-carb diet. The doctors have given him 6-8 months to live, with or without treatment…for now he chooses no conventional treatment. He feels so good, has no pain and wants to feel that way as long as possible.

He had emailed Diane McClure, his ex-girlfriend, to tell her about the cancer. He and Diane had broken up in November of 2005. Her father was diagnosed with cancer, and then her mother also. She was their caregiver and a single mom of 2 kids and just couldn’t handle the relationship with Kirk at that time. It broke his heart. Over the next year Diane lost both of parents to cancer. When Kirk emailed her, she responded and they started conversing over emails. Kirk was to attend a seminar which was scheduled to be in Katy, TX but was moved to Tomball, TX which is where Diane lives. They got together over lunch and several times and gradually started seeing each other again. Eventually Diane told Kirk she still loved him and he told her he never stopped loving her. They are officially an item now.

Kirk and Diane at the Astros game-2005 back together...Jan 2007

Kirk emailed me and asked if he and Diane could come visit us in San Antonio…they’d stay down at the River Walk. He invited my parents, my sister and my Uncle Don also came. It was the most amazing weekend. Kirk told us of a seminar he went to…how he learned about spiritual healing, how he “got it”…what life is all about. “It’s not about the healing, but about your relationship with Jesus.” He told each us how much he loved us…asked us to forgive him for wrongs he’d committed and the most amazing thing…he told us how his cancer was a blessing because it brought him back together with Diane. He said he’d never felt better nor been happier in his entire life and I could see that it was true.

February Feast
David & Kara...Kirk & & David
Doris & Don...Mom & Dad
Maggie, Lizzy, Mary Kate and John Marc

Kirk went for another scan in March and the doctors told him there was no growth in the cancer. The following weekend our cousins Lee McSparran from Kansas City and his brother Kent McSparran from Denver came to Houston for a visit. We pratically grew up with the McSparrans (my mother's sisters boys) and they were the closest Kirk got having brothers.
Lee, Kent & Kirk
Mom, Dad, Kara and I all met in Houston and had a great weekend.
We went out to Rosenberg one afternoon to see even more family.
Kara, me, Kent, Suzy, Lee and Kirk
Diane had us all over for lunch on Sunday...she's amazing and truly loves my brother.
aren't they sweet?
He's now going through a new treatment with his nutritionist which involves more makes hime feel crummy with flu-like's a 90 day treatment and when he finished with that he'll have another scan. Please keep him in your prayers.

He's a wonderful brother...i love him a lot.

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